Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Finish the sentence

One of these days, I am going to write something real. Something important. Right now, however, I still feel shy about blogging. Please accept this generic survey type thing in lieu of a post that actually means something.

1. I've come to realize that my last kiss...has to last until next Wednesday.

2. I am listening to...the Yo Gabba Gabba song that is stuck in my head."Train ride, we're on a train ride..."

3. I talk... to anyone who seems to be listening. 

5. My best friend/s....don't exist. Best friends are for children.

6. My first real kiss... was at the movies (I think).

7. Love is.....the best.

8. Marriage is...getting better every day.

9. Somewhere, someone is thinking....of doing something stupid.

10. I'll always... love my family.

11. The last time I really cried was.... when I realized I never grieved for someone I lost a long time ago. 

12. My cell phone... is not as great as they say it is.

13. When I wake up in the morning...I want to sleep longer.

14. Before I go to bed...I spend too much time online.

15. Right now I am thinking...I hope I get better at blogging. I suck so far.

16. Babies are...amazing.

17. I get on Myspace... much less than I used to.

18. Today I miss....my husband.

19. Tomorrow...I need to return movies to redbox and do laundry.

20. I really want to be...useful.

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